Community solar power plant
The first solar power plant GEN-I Sonce in a multi-apartment building with 23 apartments has 36.7 kW of power and will produce 37,000 kilowatt hours of green electricity annually. At the annual level, it will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 17 tons, and will enable annual savings in electricity consumption of more than 4,500 euros. The power plant is designed in a way that allows the vast majority of the produced electricity to be consumed by the residents themselves, and only a small part is returned to the grid. The owners of the € 36,400 investment, which will be repaid in full in seven years, will cover most of the energy needs in the building with their own production. (direct translation from Slovenian text)
Main Topic
Clean energy: supplying clean, affordable and secure energy
All Topics
Clean energy: supplying clean, affordable and secure energy
Increasing the EU's climate policy ambition for 2030 and 2050
  • Neighbourhood or Local community
  • Community-based initiative (i.e. citizens, cooperative, neighbourhood group)
  • For-profit company
Main Activity
Designing policies and/or (management) strategies
  • Not specified
This initiative was provided by the SGD consortium.
This initiative is self-reported and not identified by the SHARED GREEN DEAL Consortium
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For further details please contact co-leads Dr Chris Foulds ( and Dr Rosie Robison (

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101036640. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the SHARED GREEN DEAL HAS project and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.