Cloughjordan Ecovillage
Our aim is to serve as a model of sustainable living, that can be an education, enterprise, research and service resource for all. We work to; minimise pollution to the air, water and land; demonstrate a new approach to rural regeneration; facilitate systems whereby people can create local and sustainable work; and provide for the cultural, artistic and non-material needs of the residents of the village and surrounding community.
Main Topic
Responsible and circular economy: mobilizing industry for a clean and circular economy
All Topics
Clean energy: supplying clean, affordable and secure energy
Responsible and circular economy: mobilizing industry for a clean and circular economy
Renovating homes: building and renovating in an energy- and resource-efficient way
Sustainable food: from "farm to fork": a fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food system
Biodiversity: preserving and restoring ecosystems and biodiversity
  • Neighbourhood or Local community
  • Community-based initiative (i.e. citizens, cooperative, neighbourhood group)
  • Social enterprise (i.e. for-profit company, but has primary objective to achieve social and/or ecological benefits)
Main Activity
Showcasing and/or demonstrating practices
  • Not specified
This initiative was provided by the SGD consortium.
This initiative is self-reported and not identified by the SHARED GREEN DEAL Consortium
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For further details please contact co-leads Dr Chris Foulds ( and Dr Rosie Robison (

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101036640. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the SHARED GREEN DEAL HAS project and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.