"Basel renewable - for a secure and affordable energy provision"
By supplementing § 31 of the cantonal constitution, the "Basel renewable" initiative calls for the creation of appropriate legal conditions to achieve a sustainable, renewable energy provision in the canton of Basel-Stadt by 2050. This is to be achieved through incentives and regulations that are socially, environmentally and economically compatible. The initiative was launched by a multi-partisan initiative committee consisting of, among others, Grand Councils of the Green Party, BastA!, FDP, SP, LDP, SVP and GLP, and was supported by the Ökostadt Basel, the tenants' association, the Unia Nordwestschweiz and Pro Velo.
Main Topic
Clean energy: supplying clean, affordable and secure energy
All Topics
Clean energy: supplying clean, affordable and secure energy
Fostering a just transition: leaving no one behind (fostering i.e. inclusivity, equity, empowerment of marginalized communities or other goals regarding justice)
  • Regional
  • Non-profit organisation (i.e. pursues a particular social cause, e.g. schools, foundations, social movement)
Main Activity
Raising awareness and/or political agenda-setting;
  • Raising awareness and/or political agenda-setting
This initiative is adapted from Cluster 7 (CL7), in the SONNET database.
This initiative is self-reported and not identified by the SHARED GREEN DEAL Consortium
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For further details please contact co-leads Dr Chris Foulds ( and Dr Rosie Robison (

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101036640. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the SHARED GREEN DEAL HAS project and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.