Barcelona Superblocks
This simple idea is based on blocks, initially named “supermanzanas” (super apples), that are smaller in size than a district (but bigger than an apple!). These new 400mx400m urban blocks have given the city back to the citizens by keeping car traffic on the outskirts of each block. This urban development creates a peaceful, more spacious inner area, ideal for cycling and walking as well as testing new uses that encourage social cohesion and economic development. Superblocks are new urban organisational units, with a size of around 400 x 400 m, comprised of several smaller blocks [1]. They are fringed by peripheral roads open for motorized traffic, while interior roads are closed to through traffic but open (by using a system of cards and bollards) to residents, public transport, disabled people, emergency vehicles and, in some streets, bicycles. In this way, the interior public or common areas are relieved of redundant traffic, thus leading to traffic calming of interior roads. Consequently, the areas can be recovered for other uses and thus returned back to inhabitants of the area. The process of stakeholder participation is there by intended to ensure that all the solutions are implemented according to the needs of inhabitants.
Main Topic
Mobility futures: accelerating the shift to sustainable and smart mobility
All Topics
Mobility futures: accelerating the shift to sustainable and smart mobility
Zero pollution ambition for a toxic-free environment
Fostering a just transition: leaving no one behind (fostering i.e. inclusivity, equity, empowerment of marginalized communities or other goals regarding justice)
  • Neighbourhood or Local community
  • City and peri-urban
  • Community-based initiative (i.e. citizens, cooperative, neighbourhood group)
  • Local government
Main Activity
Providing knowledge transfer / advisory / education services
  • Not specified
This initiative was provided by the SGD consortium.
This initiative is self-reported and not identified by the SHARED GREEN DEAL Consortium
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For further details please contact co-leads Dr Chris Foulds ( and Dr Rosie Robison (

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101036640. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the SHARED GREEN DEAL HAS project and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.